Did you know that placentas can heal many different ailments?

Cool, right? Placentas contain several healing substances that are supportive to your body during your postpartum period and beyond. These include iron, oxytocin, prolactin, and a plethora of vitamins.

Placenta capsules can be supportive in early postpartum by speeding up healing time, decreasing postpartum mood disorders, and improving milk supply! Placenta tinctures can last for a lifetime and are helpful with PMS and menopause, digestion and insomnia, as well as emotional imbalances. Placenta salves have been known to aid in healing skin conditions and rashes, scrapes and scars, as well as diaper rash and cracked nipples.

Plus, Tennessee Placenta Services even has options for those that aren’t into ingesting their placenta but want to honor in through resin and breastmilk keepsakes, downloadable guides for lotus birth and burial, as well as placenta art.

We are a proud partner of Tennessee Placenta Services and refer all of our clients exclusively to this wonderful company! We trust them with our clients because they use the Traditional Chinese Method (TCM) for encapsulation and follow the highest safety standards. They offer many different products. They offer Local Placenta Encapsulation and Non-Local Placenta Encapsulation to all of the U.Ss. For local customers the placenta encapsulation package starts at $350.

To sign up for placenta encapsulation, please click the link below and put “NDS” as who referred you during the check-out process.