A one-day comprehensive 6-hour course on preparing for a home birth! Don't let this short class length fool you...you will leave prepared and confident to start your birthing journey. This class includes mindset, comfort techniques, how to prepare for labor, and help thinking through your vision for your birth. Best for those who want the benefits of a group dynamic and meeting other pregnant couples, and need to get it done in one day! This class is taught by one or two of our doulas and certified educators.
This is a one-day course on a Saturday and meets at our cozy office building in Franklin. Saturday, August 26th from 9am-3pm w/a lunch break.
Class Overview
Mindset: trusting our own body's ability and divine intuition
Pre-labor signs
The 4 Stages of Labor: early labor, active labor, transition, pushing
Physiological Birthing - labor and birth that is powered by the innate human capacity of the woman and baby
What happens, how it feels, and what to do
Coping techniques, relaxation & breath awareness
Optimal positions for pregnancy, labor, & pushing
Variations of labor, birth & postpartum
Making the most of your pregnancy: health, fitness, & anatomy
Deciding on your vision for your birth
Lying in: Recovery after baby and what to expect
Breastfeeding; Infant Nutrition